
    We are excited that you are interested in serving at Calvary Chapel Eagle. Please complete the application below and we'll contact you shortly.

    Name *

    Gender *


    Are you a JH/HS Student?

    Address *

    City *

    State *

    Zip code *

    E-mail *


    Birthday *


    Is Calvary Chapel Eagle your home church? *


    How many years have you attended Calvary Chapel Eagle?

    How many years have you been a Christian? *

    Please explain how you became a Christian: *

    What churches have you been a part of and for how long? *

    Please indicate what ministry you are interested in: *

    [checkbox* checkbox-interested "OUTREACH" "WORSHIP (Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Keys and Strings)" "CREATIVE (Graphic Design, Web Design/Development, Impressions, Photography, Film)" "Production (Audio, Lighting, Stage, Video, and Display)" "ROCKED (New Believer Follow-Up and Foundations of Faith Classes)" "CAMPUS SUPPORT (Ushers, Parking and Impressions)" "RKIDS (Host Services, Support Leaders, Teachers, Story Tellers, Worship Leaders)" "GUEST SERVICES (RCONNECT, RSTORE, First Time Guest, Greeters, and Refresh)"

    Please indicate which day(s) you are available to serve at Calvary Chapel Eagle:
    [radio radio-rcs default:1 "Sunday"]

    Are their any potential conflicts in your schedule that would interfere with your commitment? If yes, please list:


    Reference #1

    Reference #2